How to use public Wi-Fi safely?

How to use public Wi-Fi safely?

Seqred Free Wi-Fi is a service already available in almost every cafe, restaurant, hotel, station or airport. We like to get something for free, but many users are unaware of the risks involved when using a free and unsecured Wi-Fi network in public places. Here are...
SEQRED’s first year of operation is behind us!

SEQRED’s first year of operation is behind us!

Seqred It was a period of hard work, but also led to many breakthroughs – we have assembled a team of specialists from various fields of cyber security and built the infrastructure necessary for our work. Our engineers have created laboratories for the purposes...
Botnet Mirai and largest Internet blackout

Botnet Mirai and largest Internet blackout

Błażej Dusik Let’s imagine a zombie army, like those straight from the silver screen – a charging horde that only has one goal. This reference to a Hollywood production can help us later understand the type of threat a botnet poses and how large it could be – an army...