Red Teaming
What is Red Teaming?
Cyberattacks are a real threat to business. The advanced methods used in conducting these attacks destabilize the company which may lead to it going out of business. Known technical and tactical approaches, such as penetration tests, are becoming insufficient. That is why our modus operandi is to use the approach based on the concept of Red Teaming.
Red Team is a panel of experts whose operational philosophy is to assume the role of a potential opponent. This approach inspires the team to use alternative and out-of-the-box methods to solve problems. During tests and audits, it is not unprecedented that the members of the Red Team bring into question the status quo of the organization.
Red Team specialists take into consideration all potential actions, behaviors, and ways to exert an influence that can be used by hostile actors.
As a result, a Red Team is able to detect all critical gaps in the security system. What helps us to do that is discipline, a sophisticated way of thinking and acting, which allows for taking precise and efficient steps to secure the organization.
Who do we recommend Red Team to?
Red Team operates interdependently from the organization, the infrastructure of which was evaluated in the context of cyberrisk. It works great in conservative organizations where the attitude towards security is systematic and routine.
The major goal of the Read Team is streamlining the decision-making process on the subject of security. Red Team precisely determines the preferences and advantages of the competition. Out-of-the-box way of working and preventive actions allow us to be always a few steps ahead of our opponent.
Red Teaming compared to other security tests
A modern business requires an innovative approach to the issues of security. Unfortunately more often than not traditional methods of fighting cybercriminals, such as vulnerabilities assessment and penetration tests, do not bring the expected results.
During the analysis of potential threats vulnerabilities assessments are conducted. This process works by identifying and quantifying the gaps in the system. It concentrates on particular fragments of the system and its vulnerability to threats. It can happen that during the assessment the context of the vulnerability and how its results influence the organization is missed. Another way to protect computer systems from cyberattacks is penetration testing. They work by penetrating the system in order to detect and identify as large a number of vulnerabilities to threats as possible.
The Red Team approach is different from vulnerabilities assessment and penetration tests. Red Teaming starts with the hypothesis as to what motives and reasons the opponent may have, thus identifying the threats stemming from that and considering all the resulting lines of attack. Next, it considers the threat in the context of the resources and skills of the opponent, and the available features and functionalities of the computer systems involved. This results in providing the Clients with complete information about the security status of their company, strategic prioritization, and methods of choosing the effective security options.
Why do we believe in Red Teaming?
The aim of penetration tests is to identify and document all vulnerabilities and threats at the technical level. Red Teaming approaches security issues from multiple angles. It analyses chosen vulnerabilities and goes far beyond just the area of technology. It also looks at the issue of infrastructure security from a strategic perspective, which helps them to better understand the actions of cybercriminals.
Outside attack simulations and a tactical approach help to predict potential dangers and swiftly prevent them.