Industrial Network Security Architecture – Asset and Network Management

Quickly advancing digitalisation and rapid spread of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) entails the growth in number of connected devices in industrial networks, which in return increases the surface for a potential cyberattack. This situation demands the network owner to have the most current, real-time inventory of all network devices for the sake of a root cause analysis in case of a cyber incident.
The IEC 62443, which is an international series of standards that address cybersecurity for operational technology in automation and control systems, sets the requirements for auditing and monitoring of the assets in sections SR2.8 and SR7.8.
Section SR2.8 on Auditable events states:
‘The control system shall provide the capability to generate audit records relevant to security for the following categories: access control, request errors, operating system events, control systems, backup and restore events, configuration changes, potential reconnaissance activity, and audit log events. Individual audit records shall include the timestamp, source (originating device, software process or human user account), category, type, event ID and even result.”
Section SR7.8 on Control system component inventory states:
‘A control system component inventory may include but is not limited to component ID, capability, and revision level. The component inventory should be consistent with the system under consideration. A formal process of configuration management should be deployed to keep control of the changes in the component inventory baseline.’
The above sections of the IEC 62443 can be realised by implementing a central Network Management System (NMS) based on the ISO Network Management framework model FCAPS (Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, Security Management).
NMS with these parameters:
- enables full visibility of assets
- manages the flow of information
- enables the diagnosis of network problems
- provides the physical topology of the network
- provides user access control between the different zones of the IT and OT network.
About this article
This article was inspired by a Siemens publications. You can read the full text by clicking here.