by Eugeniusz Wypior | 9 May 2022 | Blog-EN, Newest post
Eugene Wypior Compute in the cloud relevant security considerations Cloud computing is fundamentally based on pooling resources and virtualisation is the technology used to convert fixed infrastructure into these pooled resources. At its most basic, virtualisation...
by Eugeniusz Wypior | 5 May 2022 | Newest post
Eugene Wypior TRITON’s Tactics and Techniques in the ICS domain TRITON malware was originally deployed in 2017 to disrupt the operations of a petrochemical plant in Saudi Arabia and it has recently made headlines on the occasion of an indictment by the U.S Department...
by Eugeniusz Wypior | 3 May 2022 | Blog-EN, Newest post
Eugene Wypior Mobile Device Security Last week we covered the topic of email security. And as mentioned at that time the second most common way used to communicate these days, apart from email, are mobile devices, especially smartphones. They are great devices that...
by Eugeniusz Wypior | 28 April 2022 | Blog-EN, Newest post
Eugene Wypior ‘Pipedream’ – a surfacing threat targeting Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Two weeks ago, Dragos, the US-based industrial cybersecurity expert, reported it has identified and analysed a new Industrial Control Systems (ICS)-specific...
by Eugeniusz Wypior | 26 April 2022 | Blog-EN, Newest post
Eugene Wypior Email Security Enhancement The first email was sent over 50 years ago, and it remains the most popular form of communication (along with the mobile phone) these days. According to Statista we have been sending approximately 320 billion emails every...